IronFish (IRON) is a new privacy-oriented Layer-1 Proof-of-Work crypto project that is launching its mainnet tomorrow on April 20th 2023 and that is when the actual mining of the IRON coins will start. Amazon Boxing Week Deals (PAID LINK)Looking for ASIC Miners? use coupon. You may increase your income using staking with an annual rate from 6 to 10%. Automate your mining profitability with minerstat. Intel Arc support for decred, ironfish, alph, radiant rethereum, clore, xna, rvn, gamepass, neoxa and meowcoin,. + fixed Kaspa hashrate dip while Zil mining round. Check out for in-depth additional reviews and information!Join this channel to get access to Store discounts, Members-only lives. IronFish (IRON) is a new privacy-oriented Layer-1 Proof-of-Work crypto project that is launching its mainnet tomorrow on April 20th 2023 and that is when the actual mining of the IRON coins will start. How to Overclock Your GPU for IRON FISH?. 10 This is an optimized miner for AMD GPUs and Xilinx FPGAs created by todxx and kerney666. Get the best mining performance out of your AMD Radeon VII by using the right software. Decred . + support f2pool for Conflux mining. Primary algorithm has index 1. GPU: Fixed broken dual zil mining for some older algos, e. Join minerstat and find the most suitable software for your setup. 6. Get the best mining performance out of your Nvidia RTX 3090 by using the right software. Changelog. With worker names. The RTX 3060 provides 1300. AMD RX 580 can reach 32. lolminer-v1. At the time of writing, the expected performance increase is 4-8% above existing AMD miners, at about the same power. 00 IRON | Check the list of Iron Fish mining pools, historical data, and available mining software and hardware. Step 2. 00 RXD | Check the list of. Miner stops logging if the log files are moved or deleted while it's running. 85% * Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + BLAKE3_IRONFISH dual mining mode; Added AUTOLYKOS2 + BLAKE3_IRONFISH dual mining mode; Added algorithm 'pufferfish2bmb' for RDNA cards [ 5xxx ] Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm for RX5700/XT. When T-Rex's new dual mining option is enabled, users can devote up to. 6%. Below you can find an example for mining XNA on Nvidia RTX 3070 GPU with a hashrate of about 29-30 MH/s per GPU using a moderate power limit of. Octopus, IronFish, Blake3, KHeavyHash, Equihash, ZHash, SHA-256, Scrypt, ZelHash, FiroPow, BeamHash, Autolykos, Kawpow, Etchash, Ethash & RandomX. Compatible algorithms: Ethash, Kawpow, Autolykos, Firopow, KHeavyHash, RandomX, Blake3, IronFish Download the mining files. 3 - The #SkyDoge algorithm was implemented and #NexaPow was improved up to 40%. Intel Arc support for decred, ironfish, alph, radiant rethereum, clore, xna, rvn, gamepass, neoxa and meowcoin; Added option restart_on_reconnect;. 5% Dev Fee (default) 100% LHR unlock v1! GPU Throttle notifications. See the options below: --dual-algo-mode <algo>:<tuning coefficient>. Get access to minerstat's comprehensive suite of features and tools. Iedoc of Bzminer believes that 80%/80% is possible with the right. Disclaimer: Results from mining calculator are estimation based on the current difficulty, block reward, and exchange rate for particular coin. bat , grin. 2. NEWEST IRON FISH WIN GUIDE 👉 started Mining IronFish FAST with this UPDATED Guide for 2022. Get your Iron Fish. . (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. v3. Since I was dual mining Kaspa and Zil I thought I'd put a video out with settings and overclocks. Mining. + enable dual Kaspa mining while ZIL mining round (for Kaspa+ZIL, ETC+Kaspa+ZIL, Ergo+Kaspa+ZIL). 84 MH/s hashrate and 131 W power consumption for mining ETH (Ethash). I've pinned a version of this guide that has pictures in our Iron Fish channel. We’re building a new Layer 1 blockchain to become the universal privacy layer for all of web3. 22/04/2023. no. LATEST GUIDE FOR MAINNET! How To Mine IronFish on Linux with this handy walkthru guide. Updated dag repair tables for OctaSpace, ETHW & ETC mining to cover current epochs GMiner v3. Replace the file’s existing commands with the commands from the chart below that correspond to your chosen mining. Pools & Block ExplorerUltimate Novocoin (NOVO) Mining Guide: Step-by-step TutorialIronfish is a GPU minable only now. Use the device ID in the format pci_bus:pci_device (eg --disable 1:0 3:0). 8 (Added algorithm blake3_ironfish (IRONFISH coin). Get the best mining performance out of your AMD RX 5700 XT by using the right software. 15. 31/10/2023. Download LolMiner - OverClock Settings - Fish (IRON) Mining: The Ultimate GPU Mining Tutorial 🚀⚒ #mining #cryptoMining Pool Stats | List of known PoW mining pools with realtime pool hashrate distribution. Get the best mining performance out of your Nvidia RTX 3070Ti by using the right software. Enhance Your Mining Performance with minerstat. com was determined by a computer program where 0 is very unreliable and 100 is considered safe to use. Advice You can save the simple config and test mining on the ETC pool you've selected to make sure there are no errors in the simple config before you proceed with adding the ZIL options. XWPCuckaroo29S. Sign up for minerstat today and let us help you manage and optimize your mining operations. 25 was removed due bug caused low pool hashrate. 11 . Our mining monitoring and management software for Windows GPU rigs is the perfect solution for those who prefer to mine on their Windows machines. BZMINER disconects randomly on ZIL pool round. 0 now supports dual mining XVG with blake2s algo. #gpumining #cryptomining #nexa #dynex #crypt. Added algorithm 'blake3_ironfish' (IRONFISH coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0. Reload to refresh your session. g. . . 0. A good idea to work on is adding Zilliqa (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. Join minerstat and find the most suitable software for your setup. The pictures don't seem to appear despite me uploading them and using [ img ] and [ /img ] IRON (or other coin) Dual Mining Guide for BzMiner, Rigel, and TRM. 5700 USD | Difficulty: 120. Current BzMiner supports overclocking for Nvidia only, but provides an option called oc_script which allows you to call a script to use a third party software to set the oc, which is useful for AMD cards. Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 334 different coins on 146 algorithms. Improved performance of Blake3-Ironfish mining on Nvidia Turing and newer cards by 9-11%. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"doc":{"items":[{"name":"pics","path":"doc/pics","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"AUTOLYKOS_TUNING. Stable profitability, hourly payments, rig monitoring bot, tutorials. IronFish has been in development for a while now and has been running an incentivized testnet for quite some time in order to make sure that at. To enable auto-tuning mode, you need to add --gpu-auto-tune 1 to the parameters Activity: 27. Iron Fish (IronFish) mining calculator | Price: 1. Exchange rate of 1 BTC = 36359. 5% $0. The current price of Zilliqa (ZIL) tokens is a little over $0. "pool": [0, 1] Run bzminer using that config. 85 MH/s hashrate and 0 W power consumption for mining ETH (Ethash). + Added kernels for DUAL mining : DYNEX/BLAKE3_IRONFISH, DYNEX/KASPA + Added support for AMD gfx1100 on algorithm 'sha3d' + Better auto tune for algorithm 'dynex' + Fixed low diff shares issue when connecting to some RXD,NOVO and KYLACOIN pool/s [vipor. bat fileHere is an example command line to run SRBMiner-Multi on Nvidia RTX 3070 for mining IronFish:. The Most Efficient Zilliqa Mining. (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. 2miners. (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. IronFish has been in development for a while now and has been running an incentivized testnet for quite some time in order to make sure that at. Errors can occur, so. 4. Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 305 different coins on 136 algorithms. 10. + fixed HTML for API in dual mining mode. xx gpus core locked at 1400 some 1450 and memory 1000mhs. A good idea to work on is adding Zilliqa (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. v2. #Wildrig-Multi v0. -. Possible values: on, off If enabled, ZIL DAG is generated when the miner starts up and is kept in GPU memory at all times even if it means lower performance for the primary algorithm in dual/triple mining mode. **If this video is informa. Slightly improved performance of Nexa mining on Nvidia Turing and newer cards by ~0. Improved Ironfish efficiency (Nvidia) Improved Radiant efficiency (Nvidia & AMD) Fixed Nvidia fan speeds on windows for some cards (10 series) NOTE: dual rxd will not work in this release, a fix for this will be released shortly NOTE: Currently the improved Ironfish hashrate is not supported while solo mining. . Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for. How to setup lolMiner for GPU mining. Compatible with GPUs, ASICs and Nicehash. â„–1 OS for mining. Nvidia RTX 3060Ti can reach 60. The GPU must have a minimum of 6 GB memory. To employ this strategy: Add the two coins to the pool_config section you wish to mine to, or use the command line. setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_MAX_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_MAX_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_ENABLE_LARGE_ALLOCATION 100 setx GPU_MAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE 1024 + Improved mining performance on algorithm 'blake3_ironfish' for AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL in single and dual modes + Added support for algorithm 'sha3d' on NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's + Ironfish is now compatible with pools using stratum v2 Features: Low 0. View our Miners page to discover the most profitable. Dynex (DNX) and Ironfish (IRON) Dual Mining TutorialReady to start Dynex (DNX) and Ironfish (IRON) dual mining with your GPU's? In this Dynex (DNX) and Ironf. LIMIT. 32. 98 Mh/s: 140 watts: Ethereum Classic: 32. lolMiner. Let us know, if any of the pools isn't supported anymore. Join minerstat and find the most suitable software for your setup. 6 but in Hiveos right now isn't avail. 85% * Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + BLAKE3_IRONFISH dual mining mode; Added AUTOLYKOS2 + BLAKE3_IRONFISH dual mining mode; Added algorithm 'pufferfish2bmb' for RDNA cards [ 5xxx ] Performance increase on 'autolykos2' algorithm for RX5700/XT. On paper, the GeForce RTX 3070 LHR features the same specs as the non-LHR model. Zilliqa or ZIL has added a new level of traditional dual mining, where you usually mine a GPU coin and a memory coin on the. 5 days downtime). On average, you will find 1 block every 14201 days at the current network hashrate. Latest update: 19 Nov 2023 15:20. Discover a new way to optimize your mining setup and boost your earnings. GMiner v2. Fixed a bug in Ethash solvers for AMD Navi and newer and Nvidia GPUs that caused a crash when mining at some low epochs. The instructions don't change for windows vs mac. S. Added ETHASH/ETCHASH + BLAKE3_IRONFISH and AUTOLYKOS2 + BLAKE3_IRONFISH dual mining mode. 5 days. Calculate. Generate Command Line. We doubled it and gave it to the next person. Fixed crash in zil_only mode. (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. 0%* [AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL] + Added INTEL ARC support for algorithms : autolykos2, etchash, ethash, ubqhash, blake3_ironfish + Added INTEL ARC support for dual mining : autolykos2/kaspa, autolykos2/heavyhash, autolykos2/sha512_256d_radiant, autolykos2/sha256dt, autolykos2/blake3_alephium. 5% Dev Fee (default) 100% LHR unlock v1! GPU Throttle notifications. 36 for a total profit of $2. Make sure you are running the latest version and that your minerstat software is up to date (msOS is. Get a Digital Coin Wallet: official wallet. In this video I show the most efficient overclocks for mining the new cryptocurrency Iron Fish on NVIDIA GPUs. How to mine IronFish (IRON) cryptocurrency: a quick answer. 07 Mh/s hashrate on NEXA with a power consumption of 170 watts. (LHR) Allow setting "up" and "down". Added algorithm 'blake3_ironfish' (IRONFISH coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0. 21 MH/s hashrate and 120 W power consumption for mining ETH (Ethash). txt","path. GMiner v2. Iron Fish should publish instructions for mining using Windows. this feature removes Kaspa hashrate drawdown while ZIL mining round, use -zildi / --zildual_intensity to changed dual intensity. 10. Kryptex IRON FISH Pool now supports IRON FISH mining to exchanges that requires a memo identifier, like Gate. In today's video, I show you guys how to dual mine Nexa & Zil so that you can make the most out of your mining profits! Go ahead and hit the Like & Subscribe. . Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 333. Hive OS update command:In today's video we will learn how to dual mine ironfish & dynex coin, further we will also check the profitability of dual mining dynex & ironfish coin. Here is an example command line to run SRBMiner-Multi on Nvidia RTX 3070 for mining IronFish:. . 2623 TH/s | Block reward: 50,000. This is an optimized miner for AMD GPUs and Xilinx FPGAs created by todxx and kerney666. Errors can occur, so your investment decision shouldn't be based on the results of this calculator. Fixed a bug introduced in 1. v2. Barely visible. 77b): Fixed a bug causing Alephium and Ironfish mining to not work (bug was new in 1. eg. v3. txt. Thanks to the energy-efficient Blake3 algorithm, it allows for mining without consuming a lot of electricity. This can be either a simple array of strings or an object where keys are algos and values are display names. After Rigel miner is imported, you will be able to select it as your default mining client in the worker's config. Added pufferfish2bmb for RDNA cards [5xxx]. A good idea to work on is adding Zilliqa (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple. The Flexpool website auto generates the dual mining . 86. If you run a dual mining setup with a high core clk to maximize the dual mining algo, you should keep mining in A-or B-mode. Discover a new way to optimize your mining setup and boost your earnings. 6%. (IronFish) Miner frequently reconnects when mining to NiceHash; Miner stops logging if the log files are moved. Second option, choose how you run your miner, either using only exe or using a bat file (created in step 3) Third option if you chose bat file, enter the name of the bat file, (eth. Pool and Solo. Reload to refresh your session. Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 304 different. TH. exe, you need to create or modify an existing file with the extension . Compatible algorithms: Etchash, Ethash, Kawpow, ZelHash, ZHash, KHeavyHash, IronFish, Octopus. This method will function for all exchanges that requires the memo parameter for transactions. Obtain suitable hardware Iron Fish can be efficiently mined with GPUs. Slightly improved performance of Blake3-Ironfish mining on AMD cards by ~0. 32 MH/s hashrate and 59 W power consumption for mining ETH (Ethash). . Check Iron Fish (IronFish) profitability data - estimated daily earnings for your hardware with included hashrate and consumption to read out power efficiency. Disclaimer: Results from mining calculator are estimation based on the current difficulty, block reward, and exchange rate for particular coin. More and more hashrate on Ironfish network - check it out :) ::🍺Wanna buy a Beer🍺::::My Ironfish wallet::2ca23cc679e064f61231749838ac2144003e696edc99d5429b. IronFish (IRON) is a new privacy-oriented Layer-1 Proof-of-Work crypto project that is launching its mainnet tomorrow on April 20th 2023 and that is when the actual mining of the IRON coins will start. BryanA99 • 1 yr. Download the mining files. Obtain a wallet addressTUTORIAL Y GUIA EN HIVEOS Y WINDOWS DEL DUAL MINING DE IRONFISH + ZILLIQA , CONFIGURACION DEL MINERO COMPLETA,LOS MEJORES OVERCLOCKS, OVERCLOCKS DESDE EL MIN. You will need to use advanced config to add the ZIL mining options. View all 9. 6%. when there are algorithms ideal for your GPU that have different memory requirements. Beta-test ASIC port ETC/ETHW/ETHF. Added new split & dual mining options. SRBMiner-MULTI. - GPU: Fixed broken dual zil mining for. Here is an example config for mining NEX: -a nexapow -o (POOL:NEX) -u (WALLET:NEX) -w (WORKER) Minerstat supports more than 40 built-in mining clients for both mining OS and Windows mining software. Launching IronFish Mining. Join minerstat and find the most suitable software for your setup. A good idea to work on is adding Zilliqa (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. For mining, you need to follow these steps: Step 1. . Assets 4. 23 algorithms. While Kaspa can be mined without performance loss at 807 MHz for the video memory, that operating frequency will result in just around 5 MH/s of hashrate per RTX 3070 GPU. On that printscreen, I mine Conflux +ZIL, both needed as higher as I can on memory freq. 4. yeah, at the moment you need at least 526 drivers. IronFish (IRON) is a new privacy-oriented Layer-1 Proof-of-Work crypto project that is launching its mainnet tomorrow on April 20th 2023 and that is when the actual mining of the IRON coins will start. Step 2: The coin can be solo mined however we recommend pool mining. Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and. Tested on zk. Setup with a start. GPU: Added support for ironfish (-a ironfish, only the fast stratum protocol v2 supported). 38. IronFish (IRON) is a new privacy-oriented Layer-1 Proof-of-Work crypto project that is launching its mainnet tomorrow on April 20th 2023 and that is. It is unlikely for. Most profitable GPUs currently on the market and soon to be released. Quick guide to dual mine with NEXA and ZIL on the latest rigel miner, here are the settings im using for the following gpus, these are conservative settings. Nvidia RTX A4000 can reach 61. ETC+ZIL DAG is now lightly over 4GB in windows for sure - linux have a little bit more time. (link is external) Step 2. Let us know, if any of the pools isn't supported anymore. A space is used as a separator. Recently, the lolMiner development team released a new. 6. 06 0. 00 H/s hashrate on DNX with a power consumption of 51 watts. For mining, you need to follow these steps: Step 1. Téléchargez le dernier Srbminer à partir du lien ci-dessus. + improved Kaspa hashrate for single mining mode (up to +1% dependent on GPU), lowered power usage. README highlights: - GPU: Improved ironfish hashrate (+5-6% on all gpus, +10-11% for Polaris). Optimize your mining setup. Intel enabled by default. 2 GH, but my average is 30 - 35 MH. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"doc":{"items":[{"name":"pics","path":"doc/pics","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"AUTOLYKOS_TUNING. Overclock and share. Here is an example command line to run SRBMiner-Multi on Nvidia RTX 3070 for mining IronFish:. To mine in this manner, add a + separator after your wallet address and include the memo parameter. Osprey E100-VU35P can make 74 Gh/s on Blake3-ironfish (IRON) algorithm, which is equal to the hashrate of 4 graphics cards Nvidia RTX 3080, consuming 4 times less — only 150 watts versus 600 watts. Iron Fish cannot be efficiently mined with CPUs. Merit: 2. You can mine Neurai (XNA) on any mining software that supports the KAWPOW algorithm, though the latest updated software that has separate XNA support officially is bzMiner 15. 80 USD. GPU: Fixed broken dual zil mining for some older algos, e. A good idea to work on is adding Zilliqa (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. Here is what you can expect when dual mining B2 and ETH with a RX 470 and RX 480, running them at 1150MHz core clock / 2150 mem cloclk:-dcri 40 with no drop on ETH RX 470 = 1200MH/s RX 480 = 1350MH/s-dcri 60 with ~0. . IronFish has been in development for a while now and has been running an incentivized testnet for quite some time in order to make sure that at. 4. Starting from April, 20 we will be launching the new coin IronFish. Mining solo with 100 Mh/s. 14 MH/s hashrate and 56 W power consumption for mining ETH (Ethash). (the default kernel 1 is used). A mining pool pools block rewards and distributes them via various reward distribution schemes such as PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares). GPUs Tested:RTX A2000RTX 3060RTX 3060 TIRTX 307. *SRB Miner is releases a new version 2. + support Ton dual mining on RTX 3050 and RTX 3080 12GB. Mining. 75 - YouTube Aprendemos a configurar nuestros rigs, para poder minar Ironfish junto a ZilliqaCREA TU CUENTA EN. 9. Errors can occur, so your investment decision shouldn't be based on the results of this calculator. The 2Miners pool team tested the mining software with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti and NVIDIA CMP 90HX, but the principles are applicable to many other. SRBMiner-MULTI is a cryptocurrency miner that can mine up to 4 different algorithms/coins at the same time! It supports mining with your CPU and GPU (AMD, NVIDIA, INTEL) devices. The higher the intensity, the more opportunities for etash and less for the dual algorithm. The trust score of the website is low. Here is an example command line to run SRBMiner-Multi on Nvidia RTX 3070 for mining IronFish:. Based on the AMD official benchmarks, we can expect similar frames per second (FPS) to RTX 3080 while drawing. Optimize Miner speed (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 17GH/s) x-proxy supports third-party miner; x-proxy repairs the online status of third-party minersIn the “Worker name” cell, enter the name of the mining rig that will mine on the pool, for example, MyRig. cmd file, right-click on it, and click Edit. 0. v0. Skill TridentZ RGB 3200 Mhz, Corsair MP600 1TB Nvme, EVGA XC RTX 3060, Seasonic 1200 Watt PSU. Get the best mining performance out of your Nvidia RTX 3060 LHR V2 by using the right software. 10. and 95% uptime the following months over the 30-day period (1. RTX 3060 and RTX 3060ti Kaspa Zil Dual Mining Overclock****. Default is "on". In today's video we will learn how to dual mine ironfish & dynex coin, further we will also check the profitability of dual mining dynex & ironfish coin. Fixed a bug introduced in 1. This guide will tell you how to install Oreos light wallet on Ubuntu, Hive OS, and Windows so that you can quickly generate a wallet address and start mining. Download is available in the github releases section. A good idea to work on is adding Zilliqa (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. 39 + fixed miner crashes on IronFish+ZIL, ETC+IronFish+ZIL, Ergo+IronFish+ZIL and Conflux+IronFish+ZIL when ZIL dual intensity is -1 (-zildi -1) v3. Flexpool is Closing Down. How to Dual Coin Mine IRONFISH and ERGO in HiveOS with Overclocks Step by Step. + improved auto-detection of dual intensity for dual mining. The review of decryptionminers. Get access to minerstat's comprehensive suite of features and tools. username and password must match what you have in your node's dcrd. I used to solo mine but have been dual-mining (alongside etherium) for the past month or so. Miner stops logging if the log files are moved or deleted while it's running) srbminer-multi-v2. In order to mine with your GPU, you can use GMiner, simply download it from here (official link):. Nimiq. 0% $0. This would be the first Triple mining coin added to our pool meaning that. #IronFish 0. Improved performance of Blake3-Ironfish mining on Nvidia Turing and newer cards by 9-11%. Copy the finished command from the cell “ BAT file example” by pressing special “Copy” button. Remember Kaspa is mainly Core, so increase Core and Votlage Core to mine more Kaspa, but that will increase Watts too. 9 %. Here is an example command line to run SRBMiner-Multi on Nvidia RTX 3070 for mining IronFish:. Here is also the official dev team post. I can go more as it is but im satisfied for GDDR6X freq. Optimized dual mining solutions for specific coins. + fixed HTML for API in dual mining mode. let some cards mine ETH while other (3 and 4G) cards mine. > Controls GPU behaviour in dual mining mode Format: <algo>:<dual ratio> `<algo>` must be one of the following: a1 - first algorithm a2. 52 GH/s 200 W. Coin Hashrate Power; Neoxa: 13. In order to use this function on Windows the program must be launched from the command prompt (cmd). IronFish MainNet launches 4/20! Will you be GPU mining this? Quick startup guide for IronFish. 40 1. 32. Iron Fish Mining. A good idea to work on is adding Zilliqa (ZIL) dual-mining to go along with IronFish mining as it will increase profit without affecting much the IRON mining, another thing to consider is triple-mining by also adding a memory-intensive algorithm as well in the mix. Maximize mining power with ironfish miners:start -t -1 "-1" means "all possible threads", like 16 threads on an 8-core, 16-hyperthread CPU Reserve some CPU power for other activities by using a positive number less than 2x the number of CPU cores. Nvidia P106-100 can reach 21. Here is an example command line to run SRBMiner-Multi on Nvidia RTX 3070 for mining IronFish:. Added option --screen to enable a special mining mode in case a GPU is connected to a screen to prevent shuttering. 1; Fixed broken RXD/ALEPH mining on RDNA. Our team spent a lot of hours testing and proving the best ones. 08. Obtain suitable hardware. Dual Mining: To dual mine, simply combine two algorithms using a +. 78 + added option to control ETH/CKB balance in dual mining (--dual_intensity, 0-10, per GPU) + fixed bug with x2 hashare in miner output on eaglesong algorithmSupported algorithms list for dual mining. . IronFish has been in development for a while now and has been running an incentivized testnet for quite some time in order to make sure that at. 0 - Radiant, Nexa and IronFish GPU miner (Nvidia only) October 02, 2023, 01:41:29 PM. Join minerstat and find the most suitable software for your setup. 86 available for download. Après cela, extrayez l'archive et accédez au dossier avec le mineur. kryptex. * Fixed poolspeed in the console for static diff pools for Vertcoin. Bzminer has added CPU mining. Optimize your mining setup. #157. Optimize your mining setup. Neurai (XNA) on 2Miners.